Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The question dejur is: IS OBAMA A MUSLIM?

Obama attended Fransiskus Strada Asisia, a Catholic school from 1967-1970.

Per interviews with dozens of former classmates, teachers, neighbors and friends, Obama was not a regular practicing Muslim when he was in Indonesia, but he was registered as a Muslim on the registration form for the Catholic school, Strada Asisia, where he attended first through third grades. In those years, students were registered according to the religion of their fathers, per Israella Pareira Darmawan, Obama's first grade teacher. Since Mr. Soetoro was a Muslim, Obama was listed as a Muslim.

When Obama attended fourth grade in 1971, at the Basuki school (Sekolah Dasar Nasional Menteng No. 1), Muslim children spent two hours a week studying Islam; they learned Islam prayer and religious activities, per Hardi Priyono, the Vice Principal for curriculum.

Reportedly, Obama occasionally accompanied his father, Lolo Soetoro , to the mosque for Friday prayers. It is said by neighbors that Mr. Soetoro was usually too busy working, first for the Indonesian army and then later for a western oil company, to attend mosque. Fermina Katarina, Obama's third grade teacher, states that Mr. Soetoro, rarely socialized with people, even at the mosque. Mr. Soetoro's friends said, at the time of Mr. Soetoro's death in 1987, that he was more of a free spirit than a devout Muslim. His nephew, Sonny Trisulo, said that Soetoro always liked women and alcohol. (*from what I understand, Muslims forbid the use of alcohol, so this doesn't paint the picture of a devout Muslim to me.)

Then there is the statement from Zulfan Adi, a former playmate of Obama's that Obama REGULARLY attended prayers with Mr. Soetoro.


These inconsistent reports..."no he wasn't a regularly practicing Muslim", "...yes he was a regularly practicing Muslim"...seem strangely consistent with Obama. "Yes he is a Muslim..." "No he is not a Mulsim"...all by design? What is that they say..." ...a moving target is hard to hit..?" Is the best defense...CONFUSION?

So, does ANY of this information matter? YES. IF Obama was once a Muslim and is what HE now claims "a committed Christian" (THAT is yet another subject altogether), he is now what Islamic Law calls a murtadd (apostate), an ex-Muslim converted to another religion who must be executed. As he now sits in our White House, this presents large potential implications for his relationship with the Muslim world. Apply this to Obama's apology tour to the mid-East, his bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia and his constant appeasement of the Muslims..just WHO is he trying to save?

We all know that Obama sat in the pews of Reverend Wright's church for twenty years. We all heard Obama's declarations of friendship with Reverend Wright. A man who spouts racist and anti-American rhetoric on a regular basis. Yet, Obama claims to have heard none of this? Right. Perhaps Obama suffers from hearing loss? Perhaps he is not so intelligent after all and did not comprehend what he was hearing?

I have seen a video of Obama referring to his Muslim faith, family and friends. I have seen a video of his claim to being a "committed Christian". BUT, the video that sticks most in my mind that belies his claim to Christianity, is the one in which he mocks the Bible. I am 63 years old. I am a Christian. Do I know the Bible, no. I have had some Bible study. I know parts of it. Do I believe what is written in it? Yes, I do. Every single word of it. Do I still attend church every Sunday? No. Would I stand up and mock even one passage of the BIble? NEVER. To my way of thinking..NO Christian would EVER do that. I personally believe that Obama is a Muslim, but that is my opinion. But, even if he is not, the ONE thing I know he IS NOT...all confusion wiped away...he is NOT a Christian.

Some say the faith of the person sitting in the Oval Office is not that important. I say it is VITAL. Our country was founded upon Christian principles. Our LAWS are based upon the Ten Commandments. How can it be NOT IMPORTANT? Apply the fact, for argument's sake, that Obama is NOT a Christian to the fact that our laws are based upon the Ten Commandments. Would this not explain his disregard for our laws? His use of them only as a means to an end, for HIM and his agenda? Our Constitution invokes our Christian principles. Obama has stated that he views our Constitution as, basically, a worthless piece of paper, no longer meaningful. Would a Christian leader take that stand? No.

Ok. So. What IF Obama IS a Muslim? What IF he sneaks off to a mosque for prayer? What IF he believes in Islam? Why would he deny it all? TAQIYAH.


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The practice of Taqiyah is used by the Shi'ites. In case of danger, they dissimulate their religion and hide their particular religious and ritual practices from their opponents.

The practice of Taqiyah is based upon the verse of the Qu'ran: "Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preferences to believers. Who so doeth that hath no connection with Allah unless it be that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking security. Allah biddeth you beware (only) of Himself. Unto Allah is the journeying." (lll 28).
"As is clear from this sacred verse, God, the Most Exhalted, forbids with the utmost emphasis wilayah (meaning in this case friendship and amity to the exten that it affects one's life) with un-believers and orders man to be wary and have fear in such a situation."

"In another place, Allah says, "Who so disbelieveth in Allah after his belief-save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with Faith-but who so findeth ease in disbelief: On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom" (Qu'ran, XVI, 106)."

So. This is WHY Obama would lie about his Muslim faith...using his LIES and us. But, it begs the question..has Obama become comfortable in Taqiyah? Has he "feel ease in disbelief"? IF so..according to the Qu'ran...he is in biggggggggggggggg trouble with Allah!

Now, you have some information. Apply it in your thought processes. I have my opinion...based upon this and what I have seen and heard FROM Obama. Remember, you can hear his words..but watch his hands at all times. The truth of anyone does not appear in their words but their deeds. Deeds come from the they good or be they bad.

Sammye G.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Well...well...well...this morning the U. S. Department of Agriculture tossed Shirley Sherrod a bone...a table scrap..and she ACCEPTED it. Wonder if she sat up and begged?

Now, you have to realize that I am not all that politically savvy. I did not take political science in college (back in those days I thought politics was borrrrrrrrrrring!). I don't read every single article that is published by the left or the right. But, I have a pretty keen sense of what is right and what is not; kinda like that judge who once said "I can't define pornography but I know it when I see it." Well, I know WRONG when I see it and what I saw this morning on Fox News, from the Department of Agriculture and Ms. Sherrod, was just WRONG.

Ms. Sherrod was literally fired on the spot..while driving down the highway. The White House directed that she be instructed to pull off to the side of the road and render her resignation immediately...right the middle of traffic. Can you imagine?! She was "asked to resign" but we all know that translates into being canned! All of this was due to a short portion of a speech she made years ago, that if taken out of context..WHICH IT WAS...sounded racist. The White House got wind of it and, in the same way they treated a policeman in Connecticut, THEY "acted stupidly" and took drastic action WITHOUT knowing all the facts!

As if that were not bad enough, they then tried to blame Fox News, namely Glenn Beck for THEIR own actions. Is there something that is beyond stupid? Stupid and dumb just do not cover it! Their contention was that Fox brought all this about by airing the portion of the speech in question. Ms. Sherrod went right along with it, joining in the finger pointing at Fox and Beck and her threatening suits against them and Mr. Breitbart. In short order, Fox documented their programming timeline, proving that all this took place between 5 and 6 PM and they did not air one word of the speech OR this incident until after 8 PM that night. The next day, Glenn Beck actually DEFENDED Ms. Sherrod, shouting in his articulate way that "CONTEXT MATTERS" and chided the actions of the White House for taking such actions without hearing the entire speech and knowing all the facts. Still, Beck and Fox remained in the government's and Ms. Sherrod's cross hairs.

This morning, as I listened to the big announcement that now the Department of Agriculture has "hired" Ms. Sherrod as a "consultant", I could only shake my head and feel a bit sick to my stomach. Had I been in her place, I would have told them what they could do with their "consultant" position....SIDEWAYS! What an insult! As they fell all over themselves with compliments and statements of professional "love fest", I kept waiting for the apologies. Well, we will all die of old age before we hear any. Silly ol' me, I kept waiting to hear someone apologize to Fox and Glenn Beck. I mean, how naive am I?!

I suppose that if this were the only such incident that has occurred during the Obama regime, I could get over time. But it is not. There is the aforementioned incident with the police officer, that Obama accused of "acting stupidly", as the officer performed the job he was hired to do, complete with accusations of racism. Did he apologize to the officer? Who knows? Certainly nothing public. There was the now infamous beer summit for a "teachable moment". But, who taught whom, what? Clearly, Obama did not learn anything.

And, more recently, there were Obama's comments supporting the erection of the Muslim cultural center near Ground Zero, formerly named the Coronado House, but renamed the Park 51 Project. (..I guess if you slap a new coat of lipstick on a pig it won't oink any longer!) Then, the VERY next day, he back peddled on his comments, YET..refused to comment on the wisdom of the project's location. Since he had already stuck his nose into something he should NOT have, he could have at least addressed the wisdom or lack of, placing a Muslim flag of victory where 19 terrorist, in the name of Islam, murdered nearly 3,000 innocent Americans. Sitting here rethinking this, I don't think that Obama is qualified to speak to the wisdom...of anything.

This whole current administration is void of any shred of character, integrity and humility. They refuse to take any amount of accountability for their own mistakes and misdeeds. The first casualty of all this...CREDIBILITY. Trust is very delicate. It is easily destroyed...sometimes impossible to restore.

Sammye G

Monday, August 23, 2010

Here is what I have to say about THAT....

"THAT" is the subject of the day. Today it is all about starting this blog. Now..I am sure you are not as nervous reading it as I am writing it! I have been told by several folks that I should write and now that I am here doing it, I just have one thing to say to them..."EASY FOR YOU TO SAY..." lol! Seriously, I love my friends for their encouragement and support and if all goes well, I thank them from the bottom of my heart. If it does not, then, of course, it is all THEIR fault and all nasty comments about my blog WILL be forwarded to them. Seems only fair to me.

I am 63 years old. I am from Texas. This tells you that I have lived long enough to have seen a lot of changes in this country and have lived long enough to have developed an opinion on just about everything and am not shy about expressing them. Now, whether my opinions rise to the definition of "wisdom", I don't know. They are just what I think or feel, based upon the information I have at the time and through life experiences. Thing is..they are MINE. They are not yours. I cannot speak for you. I will share mine with you...and you can share yours with me. Yours do NOT have to agree with MINE. It is the 23rd of August, 2010...9:10PM EDT, and as far as I know, we still enjoy "freedom of speech" in this country. This means I can say what I think and feel...and so can you..and neither one of us has to agree with the other. It's wonderful, no? Now, what I will NOT allow in "Comments" are threats..those WILL be reported. I will NOT allow harsh profanity...and please, try to stay on topic and not dis anyone else's comments. Address the topic, tear it apart if you want, but not each other. I think that is called civility and respect. I expect that here.

Ok, it is late. Tomorrow I begin in earnest, with a REAL topic. In today's world there are a million to choose from, but I am all about what is happening in America and doing what I can to STOP it.

God bless OUR America..and God bless you.

Sammye G