Saturday, September 18, 2010


WHAT are ya'll doing? How old are ya'll?

Don't know the answers to those questions? Well, let me help you. What you are doing is jeopardizing our country's survival. You, in your pettiness and greed for power are setting up the TRUE Conservative's failure in November to regain
control of a government that is OUT of control. You are TOTALLY ignoring the will of the people. If we wanted THAT, we wouldn't have even voted, we have THAT NOW.

Miller and O'Donnell WON in their primaries. Fair and square, something that is perhaps a NEW concept in Washington and apparently to the three of you. The American thing to do...the MATURE and Conservative thing to to accept the will of the people, RESPECT IT...and give your support to those WE THE PEOPLE have chosen...and HELP them..HELP US to take back OUR country. To end this march towards socialism...worse yet, to COMMUNISM.

Mr. Rove, you have outed yourself to be less than the man millions thought you were. I don't know when I have been so disappointed in someone in the political arena. I always trusted you. You have killed your credibility with millions of Americans. Your guy LOST. Stop acting like a leftist hate monger with your endless and petty attacks on Christine O'Donnell.

Ms. Murkowski...Mr. Castle...get on the phone...CONGRATULATE the winners...and offer your support. If you cannot do that, then just shut up. Your childish attitudes and actions are just prime examples of WHY Mr. Miller and Ms. O'Donnell WON! Ms. Murkowski, if you go through with your plan to run on a write in, and the state of Alaska falls into the grip of a Democrat elitist..YOU lost the state, NOT Mr. Miller. The onus will be totally upon YOU. old are ya'll? Well, lets just say I have a six year old granddaughter who shows more maturity than the three of you.

Now...your choices continue this self destructive, party destructive...and AMERICA destructive behavior...or STAND UP and do what is truly RIGHT for our country...and FIGHT with US to save it. Your choice. We have made OURS.

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